
Greetings fellow Town of Westford Taxpayers

Please visit for all your Town needs

Or Dodge County website for online access to your taxes: or Find your property at

The Bank is Back

Once again, you will be able to pay in person at the American Bank downtown.  Location on Front Street and they will process the payment. You must take your tax bills with you. They will collect Monday – Friday from 8:30 – 5:00 pm. They will NOT collect for dog licenses.  You will need to send you dog license request to me.

I will collect taxed at the Town Hall on Saturday, January 22, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. to noon and Saturday, January 29, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. to noon. or via the mail.

Once again, NO TAXES will be collected at MY HOUSE. All payments made in 2021 must be made by mail or dropped off at American Bank downtown location. If you would like a receipt, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope along with your payment. Receipts are also available on line on the County’s website at

Half and full payments on 2021 taxes are due and payable on or before January 31, 2022.

Payable to:


Credit Card payments are not accepted

Any overpayments of taxes will be refunded at the February 7th and March 7th town meetings.

Second half payments are due July 1, 2022 and should be payable to:

JUNEAU, WI 53039

***If you would like a receipt, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope along with your payment.***

Address changes can be sent directly to the Survey & Description Office:
[email protected] or [email protected].

Building Permits

Town of Westford required all residents doing remodeling or new construction work exceeding $5,000 must obtain a building permit at a cost of $25 available from Town Chair.

All new home construction requires inspections. Additional fees are levied by the inspector based on the value of the project. Town of Westford Building Inspector is General Engineering (800) 955-7876.

It is illegal to plant trees, shrubs or erect permanent structures within the town right of way, which is 33’ from the center of the road. When in doubt, ask the town chairman.

NOTE: Mail your July payment to Dodge County Treasurer, NOT ME!!!
2020 2021
Town of Westford $178,247.00 $179,143.00
Dodge County & State of WI $829,678.47 $804,382.40
School Districts – Everyone Pays One School District and One Vocational School
Beaver Dam $807,742.91 $771,916.00
Fall River $9,222.00 $8,813.96
Randolph $746,653.57 $752,893.75
Waupun $41,148.00 $38,546.00
Technical Colleges – Beaver Dam, Fall River and Waupun School Districts pay Fond du Lac Tech College and Randolph School District pays Madison Tech College.
Technical Colleges
Madison $52,029.68 $49,990.10
Fond du Lac $58,006.59 $43,351.28
Total $2,722,728.22 $2,650,977.58

Land Notification

Link -

What is Land Notification? The Land Notification system gives you the ability to monitor a name or a specific parcel of land for property real estate activity. You can create one or more alerts that are triggered when real estate records for the name or property identified in the alert are recorded within the Dodge County Register of Deeds office.

When an alert is triggered, an email will be sent to the email address provided in the alert. The email will contain more information about the activity and will have a link to LandShark, our county on-line property records system.

How much does it cost?  Nothing.  There is no cost to the user.

How do I sign up? There will be a link to Land Notification placed on the Dodge County Register of Deeds office webpage where you can sign up.

Rubbish drop-off

Rubbish pick-up will no longer be curbside pick-up. Bulk drop-off will be a dumpster set at the town hall the first Saturday of June and the first Saturday of October. Look for more information at or your local paper when advertised in the weeks prior to drop-off. NOTE: NO garbage, leaves or branches can be burned in the road ditch. Fines may be levied against anyone caught burning on the road ditches.

Recycling Dumpster at Town Hall

The hours for the recycling dumpster are 9:00 a.m. to noon the 2nd  and 4th  Saturday of every month.  The rest of the time the dumpster is locked. DO NOT drop off items at times other than the above listed times. Violators will be prosecuted. Be sure to flatten aluminum and tin cans and plastic bottles.  See attendant for recycling instruction sheet.

Lottery Credit

You are only eligible for lottery credit if your residence in Westford is your primary residence for more than six months.

Farmland Preservation

Land Owner’s can now participate in a newly designated agricultural enterprise area, also known as Wisconsin’s Farm Land Preservation Programs, for more information contact Dodge Co. Land and Water Conservation Dept. at (920) 386-3660.

Special Assessment

All properties along the lake are receiving a special assessment per the Lake Association Agreement.

Dog Licenses

Dog licenses are due NOW for 2022. All dogs (indoor and outdoor) having reached the age of 5 months must be licensed. The owner of the dog(s) must furnish a valid and current rabies vaccination certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian. Any dogs spayed or neutered since last year must furnish proof of such before the license can be issued. Any dog owners failing to obtain the license for their dog(s) before April 1, 2022 may be required to pay an ADDITIONAL late fee of $10.00 PER DOG LICENSE in ADDITION to the required license fee.  The fees are as follows:

Neutered Male $3.00 Spayed Female $3.00
Not-Neutered Male $8.00 No-Spayed Female $8.00


Please detach and include this information with your dog’s vaccination.

Name of Dog(s)
Breed of Dog(s) License Fee
Sex of Dog(s)
Color of Dog(s)
Date of Vaccination Date of Expiration

Beaver Dam Lake District

PO Box 831 Beaver Dam
WI 53916

Phone: (920) 350-1525
Email: [email protected]